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Sandy's Contribution to Women's Issues and Feminist Scholarship

My career has substantively focused on women’s issues and feminist principles and values, particularly in three areas:

1. Contributions to eradicating sexual harassment

  • With Louise Fitzgerald, initiated first national study of sexual harassment in academia and the workplace. The study involved developing instrumentation to ascertain women’s experiences beyond the label of sexual harassment (SEQ). Cited globally and in Supreme Court cases and amicus briefs.

  • Over twenty years of presentations, training programs, consultation, and organizational interventions related to sexual harassment and hostile organizational climates. Presented at the American Bar Association, testified in sexual harassment cases, and worked with government agencies to systematically promote change in the work environment.

  • As Chair of the Div17/SCP Committee on Women, initiated a project to provide APA Accreditation site visitors with guidelines to identify and address sexual harassment in psychology training programs.

2. Enhancing women’s leadership development

  • Twenty years as consultant/faculty with COACh, Committee for the Advancement of Women in Chemistry, implementing women’s leadership development pipeline programs in physics, engineering, mathematics and chemistry.

  • In 2008, co-established/implemented the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, founded by APA’s Committee on Women in Psychology. LIWP was designed to “prepare, support and empower women psychologists as leaders to increase the diversity, number and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders…” Over 400 women psychologists have actively participated in LIWP. I’ve chaired the LIWP Executive Committee/Advisory Group since 2014 and served as Curriculum Coordinator from 2008-2014.

  • Founding faculty for the Div31 Diversity Leadership Development Program, Div17 Leadership Academy, and Ohio Psychological Association Leadership Development Academy, all emphasizing leadership development for women and minority groups.

3. Other leadership roles/contributions to women’s issues and feminist initiatives

  • APA Board Member. In 2006, designed and co-implemented the first governance diversity training programs on stereotype bias and microaggressions for all APA governance groups.

  • Member, APA Committee on Women. Focused on trafficking of women and girls, resulting in major report approved by APA Council.

  • Chair, Women’s Caucus 2007-2008 (EC member 2006-2009). Drafted and solidified the Women’s Platform Project, focusing on APA efforts to address the needs of women and girls and promote women’s leadership pipelines for key APA roles.

  • Member, Council Diversity Work Group. Designed a culture change process for March 2018 Council orientation and for the winter Council meeting.

  • Co-founder, The Ohio State University Women Studies Program and Office of Women’s Services.

  • For Ohio Psychological Association and National Association of Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors, part of significant advocacy efforts for LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, pay equity and equal rights.

APA Transformation: Learn. Lead. Change

As President, I will

  • Enhance leadership development/learning opportunities, emphasizing women and minorities. Organizational initiatives will be based on feminist principles and processes, especially diversity, inclusion, collaboration and empowerment.

  • Actively support initiatives of the new APA Chief Diversity Officer and governance to create a more diverse, inclusive APA culture.

  • Initiate work on the psychology workforce of the future, with emphasis on identifying disparate impact for women and minorities.

  • Promote team-based advocacy for social justice issues

  • Lead change as a public, partnered lesbian leader.

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