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Organizational Endorsements


Division 2: The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP) - Sole Endorsement

Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology (SCP) - Sole Endorsement

Division 14: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) - Sole Endorsement

Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP) - 1st Choice Candidate

Division 28: Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse (SCP) - Sole Endorsement

Division 31: State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs (SPTA) - 1st Choice Candidate
Division 35: Society for the Psychology of Women (SPW) - Endorsement

Division 38: Society for Health Psychology - Sole Endorsement

Division 39: Psychoanalysis - Sole Endorsement

Division 40: Society for Clinical Neuropsychology - Sole Endorsement

Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race - Endorsement

Division 47: Society for Exercise, Sport & Performance Psychology  - Sole Endorsement

Ohio Psychological Association - Sole Endorsement

General Applied Psychology/Psychologists Caucus of the APA Council of Representatives - Sole Endorsement

Public Interest Caucus of the APA Council of Representatives - Endorsement

Women’s Caucus of of the APA Council of Representatives - 1st Choice Candidate


Individual Endorsements


To endorse Sandy Shullman for APA President, please visit the Endorse Sandy page. 


A. Dale Thompson

A. Tom Horvath

Andy Horne

Ann Flaherty

Antonette Zeiss

Arpana Inman

Bobbie Celeste

Bruce E. Wampold

Bruce Liese

Brynn Freeman

Candice Hargons

Carol Goodheart

Dante Dionne

Derald Wing Sue

Dorothy Cantor

Ellen Williams

Fred Oswald

Georgia T. Chao

Guillermo Bernal

Howard Fradkin

Jalie A. Tucker

Jeff McHenry

Joan Brannick

Johanna Nilsson





John Westefeld

Joseph Hammer

Judith Blanton

Katharine Hahn Oh

Kathleen Ashton

Kathleen S. Brown

Kevin D. Arnold

Kimberly Gorgens

Laura S Brown

Lawrence H. Gerstein

Linda Campbell

Linda Carter Sobell

Linda Forrest

Linh P. Luu

Lisa Flores

Lisa Willner

Louise A Douce

M. Dolores Cimini

Maggie Syme

Margaret Mosher

Mark Sobell

Martin Heesacker

Mary O’Leary Wiley

Melanie Lantz

Melba J. T. Vasquez

Michele C. Boyer

Michelle A. Downey

Nancy J. Bailey

Nancy S. Elman

Ozy Aloziem

Peg Richards Mosher

Rami Steinruck

Richard M. (Rick) McGraw

Robert B. Mintz

Ruddy Taylor

Ruperto Perez

Ruth E Fassinger

Sandra L Foster

Shane Murphy

Shavonne Moore

Steven Reisner

Suzanne LeSure

Talya Bauer

Vicki V. Vandaveer

Y. Barry Chung

© 2018 by Sandy Shullman for APA President.  #Sandy2020

Proudly created by Rami Steinruck (

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