Sandy and International Psychology
Question 1: What are your goals, as APA President, for APA’s international engagement and for infusing an international perspective into...

Sandy and Independent Practice
Question 1: Please describe your contributions to the independent practice of psychology, including any positions held and committee work...

Sandy's Perspective on Improving Children's Mental Health through the Science and Practice o
We have a children’s mental health crisis in this country, and we need all of psychology to help address it. The fact that we have...

Sandy's Ongoing Commitment to People of Color and Indigenous Peoples Within and Beyond Psycholog
Question 1. In what ways have you promoted the wellbeing of People of Color and Indigenous peoples in psychology and/or within society...

Sandy's Support for Increasing Advocacy for Psychologists' Contribution to Substance Abuse P
Substance abuse problems extract a huge toll on society. The CDC reported 63,600 drug overdose deaths in just 2016. These problems do not...

Sandy's Commitment to Advancing LGBT Issues
Question 1: What is your evidence of a record of commitment to advance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in education and...

Sandy on Board Certification, Mental Health Parity, and Neuropsychology
Question 1. How do you view specialty/subspecialty psychology practice and board certification in professional psychology? The APA...

Sandy Talks Health Psychology
Question 1: How do you differentiate Health Service Psychology from Health Psychology? For me, Health Service Psychology (HSP) is the...

Sandy's Commitment to Advancing Science
Question: How will you advance science if elected? As candidate for APA President, I am committed to fortifying and advancing...

Sandy's Contribution to State, Provincial, & Territorial Psychological Associations
Question 1: Describe your activities on the local/SPTA/national/APA level which have strengthened or benefited SPTAs. a. I have spent...