Sandy and International Psychology
Question 1: What are your goals, as APA President, for APA’s international engagement and for infusing an international perspective into...

Sandy's Ongoing Commitment to People of Color and Indigenous Peoples Within and Beyond Psycholog
Question 1. In what ways have you promoted the wellbeing of People of Color and Indigenous peoples in psychology and/or within society...

Sandy's Commitment to Advancing LGBT Issues
Question 1: What is your evidence of a record of commitment to advance lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in education and...

Question 5: How will your presidential initiatives reflect APA’s commitment to addressing social ju
Sandy's Response: APA can best embrace social justice/human rights efforts where we envision unique and/or significant impact, bringing a...

Question 4: According to its 2009 vision statement, APA aspires to be “a principal leader and global
Sandy’s Response: Addressing global challenges such as health, poverty and geopolitical violence requires globally aware partners working...

Question 3: How do you think APA should address the scientific process of developing, updating and
Sandy’s Response: We should, as a discipline and profession, take a significant role in developing and updating clinical guidelines,...

Why now? Why APA President?
APA is at an inflection point—a critical moment of transformation. We need to listen and learn from each other so we can build a real...